The Great Reset and the Polish case


Author: Ewa Działa-Szczepańczyk

The world situation is becoming more and more bizarre – both economically and socially. According to all available data, this was and is going to happen, and it was called the Great Reset. 

Our home backyard is also struggling with the invasion of the Huns of moral progress (or rather deception), who have recently been blurring their hands at the news that large crowds appeared on the streets of Polish cities. These crowds were activated by the act of the Constitutional Tribunal (on tightening the provisions permitting abortion). It was probably pure coincidence that it happened right now.

It is puzzling, however, that this youth crowd organized itself so quickly, and as we know, „tumivism” and opportunism are quite common features among our countrymen recently. Presumably, this is another coincidence and one should not create conspiracy theories that someone inspires and directs this trouble. Aggression, vulgarity and primitivism of the activists of this social resistance, with a pleasure articulated especially towards the Church, are only a kind of expression in expressing views. There is simply no reason to be surprised – we are civilizing in the fashion of Western societies. One should even be ashamed that it was so late (because the West experienced a „civilization” revelation a long time ago – mainly due to the thinkers of the Frankfurt School and its societies now enjoy basking in the depths of anti-culture).

What is puzzling is the fact that these people who flock to the streets completely disregard the covid sanitary regulations. They seem to completely disbelieve in the virulence of the coronavirus. Or maybe they believe in it, but they are so determined that they risk their own and their loved ones’ lives. Apparently, what they are fighting for is worth the risk. It is a very heroic attitude, worth following (it is a pity that it is so selective and limited only to fighting for one right, and destroying other civil rights under the pretext of „fighting the pandemic”, somehow does not move the „angry” ones).

Worse, the police officers themselves do not share the fears for the lives of the demonstrators, reluctant to distract them, or even support them with their passivity. Apparently, the inconsistent actions of the Polish government on the protests result from the dilemma – how to reconcile the officially binding version about a dangerous pandemic (which is „crazy” for the implementation of the Grand Reset program) with the pressure of the Great Decision makers who are now „enlightening” the world. That is why we observe, on the one hand, a loud call from parliamentary benches (or rather requests) not to gather at the demonstrations, because it is a threat of sanitary armageddon in Poland, and on the other hand, we observe the consent of the state authorities to these crowds. In view of these strange events, the question arises – is there this pandemic or is it not? Or maybe it is there once – when it serves „a just cause” and when it does not serve it – it is no longer there. Indeed – this world is strange – as Czesław Niemen once sang. ` 

Ewa Działa-Szczepańczyk


And now something from the editor…

There were a few questions from the readers of, and those „curious” sent me e-mails with questions (and I rewrite one of them literally) „where is such a good pen on written by Ewa … whether from Poland or Australia?” I asked Ewa for a few words on this subject, I received an answer which I publish with great satisfaction.

„(…) Although in the Internet age you can learn a little bit about a given person by simply” clicking „on their name, some readers may not expect such data. So I am in a hurry to satisfy their curiosity „… Ewa Działa-Szczepańczyk (born „lucky” to experience youth in the dying PRL) has been writing texts for many years and publishing them on those websites whose managers promote a thought that is independent, courageous and free from all conformism. A passionate biologist, also by education, with a PhD in bird anatomy. A long-time lecturer at one of the Polish universities, author of many studies on this group of animals. Apart from the love of nature in all its manifestations, the author’s great passion is exploring the secrets of history and their impact on the state of today’s world (with particular emphasis on Poland) as well as observation and common-sense analysis of the present (a feature probably inherited from parents from pre-war Polish eastern borderlands, which is a feature along with patriotism, they appeared very often among Poles living in this part of the country). Some of his thoughts are poured onto paper and computer, still hoping that „this is not a call in the wilderness” and that it may be an inspiration for reflection and further inquiries by the reader”.

Thank you, Mrs. Ewa! Best regards and please send more articles. At the same time, we apologize for the huge backlog in editing, for example due to the massive crash of our medium on the Poland-Australia line. But we will write more about it.


The image that stands out with the Polish eagle to open the page comes from the collection of the great Polish cartoonist-caricaturist Antoni Krauze!


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