Frankfurt School – SATAN’S SECRET AGENTS

„We will make the West so corrupt it stinks!”

Saul Bellow

Lord of pleasure. Wilhelm Reich: the man (suffering from eternal dandruff – on right) who turned America into an orgasmotron.The beginning of the 50s of the last century.The future Nobel laureate Saul Bellow (from a Jewish family who came from St. Petersburg to Canada and then to the USA) sits for hours in a wooden cabin lined with sheet metal.

In similar booths over the Atlantic and Pacific are also (look for these „geniuses” on Wikipedia) Henry Miller, Norman Mailer, J.D.Salinger, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs – basically all American bohemia. Burroughs enjoys hours of sessions in a spherical chest until … the end of his days, and since they still reach the 90s, you will also be able to see Kurt Cobain in a booth in his backyard. 

Willy-nilly, the whole West climbed into the booth, which was christened in Woody Allen’s „Sleepyhead” (1973). This booth was supposed to be a tool, and it became one of the symbols of the sexual revolution. The one who promised a paradise without guilt, shame and Oedipus complex, and ended – like a revolution – in a perverse hell. SWAMP!!! And all because of the orgasmotron and its inventor Wilhelm Reich.

Depending on whether you were a Greenwich Village writer or a McCarthy supporter, the orgasmotron and Reich’s unconventional therapy were regarded as tools of sexual liberation or a satanic invention that threatened the healthy moral fabric of American society. So much so that $ 2 million was spent. for the investigation that killed the inventor.

„Inventor”- preparing to experience orgasms

WHO was this Wilhelm Reich who dragged the Sexual Revolution to America?

At this point, one should turn to the biographical primer. Wilhelm Reich was born on March 24, 1897 near Drohobycz, and his father was a wealthy Jewish breeder of cattle for the imperial and royal army.

But more important to us is the information that young Wilhelm killed his mother. No, not with your own hands. She committed suicide. However, all his life he blamed himself for her death and at the same time he harbored unrepentant regret for her that she had abandoned him by choosing death. It was like this: in the absence of his father, little William witnessed his mother’s affair with the home teacher. When the father returned, he questioned his son, who sang it all, though he did not quite know what yet. As a consequence – let’s spare ourselves the details of a family drama a la Strindberg – the mother killed herself …

And it was for William an event more important than the outbreak of World War I, the loss of property and the end of the entire Galician universe. Even the death of his own father. Event number two was the meeting of the 23-year-old medical student W. Reich with the 64-year-old Sigmund Freud.

Children among excrement

Vienna, the nursery of the avant-garde and the revolution, literally died of hunger after the First World War and the death of the empire. Freud is not yet a world guru. Instead of losing currency, he takes potatoes from his patients. And he meets Reich, who becomes his favorite for a while. Reich is fascinated by the concept of libido and overcoming social barriers that restrain sexual energy. Not only social – his position in the world of psychoanalysis is built by the book „Der triebhafte Character” from 1925, which is a barrier to effective therapy. And about the ways of disarming characterological inhibitions (as a consequence, years later, there will be methods of therapy that are far from the classic couches – those with liberating breath and biting pillows – but also the Gestalt therapy, which is blooming among children of flowers, invented by Reich’s student Fritz Perls).

Europe trembles with fear or excitement at what seems to be an impending revolution. But Reich believes in a different revolution. Its tool is supposed to be psychoanalysis. If therapy were to become an available commodity, society would experience a radical change without having to bayonet capitalism. He is not alone. Outpatient clinics are established in Vienna and Berlin, where the psycho-analytical left provides therapy for free. However, this is a drop in the ocean of needs. Certainly not enough for revolutionary change.

After moving to Berlin, Reich, already a member of the communist party, in 1931 created Sexpol, a great program of sex education. With a flushed face (he has been battling psoriasis and dandruff all his life), he preaches to workers the good news of contraception, orgasm-inducing, and teenagers’ almost sexual freedom. What attracts young people and scares away communists who are afraid of losing the votes of Catholics. Moscow considers Sexpol’s publications „incorrect”, but Reich travels to the Soviet Union anyway and sees – like many others – what he wants to see. „There the sexual revolution is already happening and no force can stop it.” He watches an experimental orphanage where children are brought up „in harmony with their sexual nature”, which means, inter alia, lack of hygiene training and consent to masturbation. In Berlin, he sends his two daughters to a school that works on a similar basis. They will remember this period as the hell of children crouching among their own excrement.

Hitler comes to power. Reich has to blow. He leaves behind the stench of his burning books on piles. They will burn for the second time in the USA, where he fled in search of asylum. But first there are Denmark, Sweden, Norway – this is where he makes his discovery. It is no less important than that of Maria Skłodowska-Curie and her husband. Reich is convinced of this … CANCER is a sexual frustration….

From 1923, Zygmunt Freud suffers from oral cancer seriously. Rejected Reich (the master did not like his cocktail of Marxism and psychoanalysis) wants to cure him. As if he wanted to get closer to a surrogate father again – writes Christopher Turner in his book. He also believes that it is not the pack of cigars that is smoked every day that is the source of Freud’s disease, but that sexual frustration, enhanced by the vas ligation procedure. It was the Vasectomy, as it was believed at the time, to give the elderly a second youth…

But it’s not just about Freud. Reich, alone in exile in Norway, fantasizes returning to Berlin as the winner. Because he beat cancer. And thus he defeated fascism, because cancer and fascism are basically one and the same disease, rooted in sexual inhibitions. So by triggering an orgasm, we will also free ourselves from the Nazis.

But never mind the orgasm. Reich’s thesis behind this statement that fascism is not a German invention, but a potential inherent in human nature (as he wrote in his 1933 „Psychology of the Masses against Fascism”), was truly original at one time. When Erich Fromm used Reich’s theses to write „Escape from Freedom”, it was only a personal aversion to the author of The Sexual Revolution that made him omit Reich in the footnotes.

Hitler was also crazy about cancer – his mother died of breast cancer. Of course, he attributed this new „epidemic” to its rough origin. Cancer is a decadence effect. It is absent in the pure Nordic races, with an admixture of the „Semitic element.” „Reich believed the Nazis spread cancer, just as the Nazis believed Jews did,” writes Turner. This is not the only situation where Reich’s views seem to be a mirror image of his enemies’ visions. But cancer became and was for him a metaphor for all social repression, and social rigor in all its forms was defined as the source of the disease. The therapy was supposed to be healthy sex. The weapon was called an ORGONE…

Bigos will give you an orgasm

We’re doing a revision…This time you’ll have a bigos orgasm

… It sounds crazy, but Reich really put meat, potatoes, vegetables, milk and eggs into the pot, cooked them for half an hour, then put a sample of this soup under the microscope. He saw blue bubbles pulsating, disintegrating and merging with each other. He called them bions. He was sure he caught life in statu nascendi. Energy taking the form of proto-organisms before his eyes. He believed it was a discovery on the scale of radium, although in fact he had fallen victim to a superstition more or less on the same shelf as the belief that worms come from dirt.

His „purely scientific discovery” was continued. When one of his students inadvertently contaminated a sample of bion soup with sea sand and heated it, Reich noticed something under the microscope that he believed to be radiation. He interpreted it to mean that some bions release the solar energy they had previously accumulated. It was this radiation that Reich called orgone …
Orgone is, according to Reich, nothing less than universal sexual energy. Life in its essence. Libido is no longer a hypothesis useful for explaining the phenomena of mental life. It has become a material force that can be measured, collected and communicated.

Orgon can chase away clouds and defend the land against alien invasion (similar to cancer, fascism and communism). It is blue and leaves a metallic taste in the mouth. It is also pure, total delight. But the orgone in man is stuck.

Between the animal core of the human being (Freud’s id) and the sphere of rules governing human behavior (superego), a wall of perversion (ego) has grown. The sources of his birth can be described in three words: religion, politics and family. Or one thing: repression. If this wall were to be pulled down, a person would not only satisfy his drives in an unlimited way, but also in a mature way. He would have achieved the ability to have a perfect orgasm, „full genital”. Every aspect of private and public life would harmoniously fulfill the needs of our „animal nucleus”. There would be „labor democracy”, we would live happily enjoying sex and other spheres of life in harmony with our own innermost nature.

„Brilliant” device with user manual …

This was more or less the design of a sexual paradise according to Reich. He found the realized utopia in Bronisław Malinowski. The indigenous people of the Trobriand Islands he describes live in a sexual paradise. Their children grow up without the pressure of the „totalitarian family” and the sexual expression of adults is not inhibited or regulated by the rules of morality. To realize Paradise in Western societies, a revolution is necessary. Barriers to sexual energy that are present both in the body and in social life must be broken down. If it fails, we face the fate of a Germany infected with fascism or Freud dying of cancer. Both communists and psychoanalysts cursed Reich for preaching these theses. He was left alone

Bions land in vaginas

„I want a woman like never before, I’ve inhaled too much orgone,” noted Reich during his experiments with bions. But that’s a side effect. Orgonal energy should primarily heal cancer. Reich persuades three of her colleagues to undertake a specific anti-cancer prophylaxis involving the introduction of bion tubes into the vaginas. He sends the results of his research to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. – This is nonsense – is the answer, which Reich obviously does not take note of (Einstein will say the same, only more polite).

In New York, Reich receives information about the outbreak of war and the death of Freud. It was euthanasia – Freud asked a friend for a lethal injection of morphine. But Reich is already busy developing his orgasmotron, which collects orgone and then gives it back to the patients inside, „healing” them for cancer and minor ailments. In a dozen or so years, when the Korean war breaks out, he will want to create special sanitary teams. With the help of his invention, they were supposed to heal soldiers from radiation sickness. The army will refuse his help.

All sheep for the bedroom!

„They don’t have time for libido here,” Freud wrote to Jung during his trip to America. He was wrong. At about the same time Reich greeted the Statue of Liberty, a puritan expert on gallop washers began his research on American sex lives. His report will reveal that it is extremely lush and varied. With laws that many states still penalized for homosexuality, oral sex and even adultery, 80 percent the population should theoretically be sent to prison immediately. Even farmers – 17 percent. have sex with their pets.

Alfred Kinsey

The wasp researcher was Alfred Kinsey. His research was financed by the Rockefeller CLAN. Not for the sexual revolution, quite the contrary. Getting to know Americans’ sex life was to better control IT. The sponsors were full of faith in eugenics. Even research on contraception was justified by the need to inhibit the reproduction of „worthless” parts of society. However, both the Kinsey report and the pill were counterproductive. The orgasmotron helped …

After Freud’s death, Reich decided that he was his only successor. The Master could no longer deny it. From the point of view of other therapists, Freud’s former friends, Reich is paranoid on the road to schizophrenia. Patients who often became followers of Reich did not initially perceive the signs of his illness. Year by year, however, he behaves less and less like a therapist, more and more like a guru. Only those who do not oppose Reich’s crazy ideas see what he sees. They allow themselves to be humiliated and share his belief in the conspiracies of the „red fascists”.

„WR had the greatest ego I have ever seen. In his own eyes he was the greatest living man. It was the world who did not recognize him,” noted his last partner Aurora Karrer. „He had the ability to seduce people with his ideas. it was empty. He was destroying people, especially his loved ones. ” In the book „The Murderers of Christ” he created a portrait of a new leader of mankind. In your own image and likeness.

In 1947, Reich sent 400-500 copies of his books a week throughout America. The production of orgasms begins. His Orgone and Cancer Research Laboratories are visited by writers from Greenwich Village. They are looking for a way of uninhibited „self-expression” – and a chance for „apocalyptic orgasms” at the same time. Reich is hailed as a precursor to a new sexual liberation movement. He is gaining popularity that he could not have dreamed of in Europe.

Christopher Turner claims that he gave the American communists disillusioned with Stalin and the leaderless Trotskyists a chance for a revolution. Individual and risk-free, in a wooden box lined with sheet metal. „Orgasmotron – its interior shows the political void of post-war reality in which representatives of this radical left found themselves after the war”.

In January 1951, Reich puts a thermos with a radium sample into the orgasmotron. He wants to prove that orgone energy can neutralize nuclear radiation. The effect is counterproductive – a black mushroom-shaped cloud appeared above his lab. At least that was what Reich claimed and concluded: cloud is the new form of orgone energy, DER, „lethal orgone.” „Thus, Thanatos found a place in his previously exclusively erotic theory,” writes Turner. Reich escapes from his lab. He feels like he is irradiated. He thinks alcohol is the best antidote.

In 1956, the final judgment is made in his case. The Secret Service had been keeping an eye on him from the first moment he arrived in America. As an ex-member of the Communist Party, he was even interned immediately after Pearl Harbor. However, it was not the FBI who had steamed him, but the US consumer protection authority.

Reich’s laboratory is visited by inspectors pretending to be patients. When they show their ID cards, Reich yells that the fate of the world is lying on his shoulders, and they bother him about the compliance of the orgasmotron operating instructions with their actual operation (or rather lack of action). He sends letters to the President and Edgar Hoover about a plot that threatens his research.

First sentence: Reich’s orgasmotrons, as completely useless pseudo-medical devices, are to be destroyed and his books to be burned. Reich disregards the sentence, but the inspectors are relentless.Orgasmotrons – at least those created under Reich’s supervision, because patients also built them with home methods – are destroyed. His books are removed from public collections.

Six tons of his „institute’s” publications are burned. Another sentence is passed: two years for this disregard for court decisions. Wilhelm Reich dies in prison on November 3, 1957 of a heart attack. Time Magazine wrote as early as 1964: „Dr. Wilhelm Reich turned out to be a prophet. Today, the whole of America is one great orgasmotron”. This Reich’s one had a great advantage, however. It was possible to leave it ….


We already see what free sex is for a certain group of people on the streets of Poland. We also see followers of the Frankfurt School …


But who is running a country today that has set itself the goal of destroying the family? The power structures in the West were marched by a generation shaped by the slogans of the New Left and the ’68 revolt, claiming more and more rights to enter the most intimate areas of life. The idea of „creating a new man”, free from any restrictions, grew out of the agitation practiced by leftist „philosophers” and today it is bearing fruit in the form of increasingly drastic changes in the education and upbringing system. Already today, the world knows a completely different face of the “father” of modern psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud. It turns out that it wasn’t just a slightly sex-crazed scientist.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a neurologist and psychiatrist of Jewish origin constructed theories that still live in contemporary psychological currents. The most faithful person from Freud’s circle was his youngest daughter Anna, who until the end of her life diligently guarded her father’s secrets and censored the publication of his correspondence. That is why it was only after her death in 1982 that the actions of Sigmund Freud came to light. He not only turned out to be a ruthless experimenter, an unethical doctor, and a liar. First of all, the world has seen the fragility of the scientific foundations of the psychoanalysis of a theory that has „served” lost and unhappy patients for over 100 years.

The dung has stank for a long time!

Remember that the guest of honor of the March ’68 anniversary celebration was invited by Adam Michnik, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a German Green MEP, one of the leaders of the 1968 Paris Revolt, expelled from France as a dangerous radical. „Red Dany” is a former assistant to the German terrorists of the Red Army Faction (RAF), a pedophile who years ago tried to „respond to the sexual needs of children”.

Michnik and „Red Dany”

Dany described the sexual experiences he had with five-year-old children and explained that „I was looking for a new definition of morality in sex.

Bettina Roehl, daughter of the leftist terrorist Ulrike Meinhof, mentions in her book „Zabawa w communism” (Fun in communism) that she was in contact with Dany in her youth. „The state was paying him back then for taking care of the children of other leftists. In addition to practicing pedophilia, he walked with toddlers and a dog named Kalashnikov through the streets of the city, forcing the children to throw stones at members of the Christian Democratic party.”


Source: „Books”, October 2011. Author: Paweł Goźliński.
History of medicine: „Zygmunt Freud’s sins” and „I believe” / Wikipedia / War with Freud? Fronda / „Freud is an ordinary fraud” / TVP (Einstein’s unknown documents have been published



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