Crime without Punishment – Well-Born Brutalists …
|Picture on the main page German poster at an exhibition promoting eugenics. Berlin, 1935.

The term eugenics comes from the Greek eugenes – „well-born” through the selective breeding of animals. On this basis, the whole ideology was created, aiming – by means of criminal methods – to create an „ideal man”. It was introduced in 1883 by Francis Galton, Charles Darwin’s cousin.
Socialists, such as the German Julius Moses, feminists and the spiritual fathers of the Nazis – Ernst Rudin, the main author of the Nazi sterilization law, and the Norwegian Johan Scharffenberg, who wrote in 1911 thatit is not only about improving human existence, but also „purifying genetic material through rational human breeding”.Let us add that Moses was sent to a concentration camp, and Rudin survived the war and died as a respected citizen.

The state of Indiana (USA) was the first to introduce such a law in 1907. In 1928 – the Vaud canton in Switzerland, in 1933 – Norway and totalitarian Germany, in 1934 – Sweden, and Finland in 1935. In 1940, Japan joined this group. (This is not a complete list.) The United States began withdrawing from this legislation during World War II, and it was in Sweden for the longest time – until 1976. As a result, according to official statistics, about 350,000 people were sterilized for reasons motivated by eugenics. German citizens, 62,000 Swedish, American 60,000, 3,500 Canadian 40,000 Norwegian, 6,000 Danish, 58 thousand. Finnish, 450 Icelanders, 300 to 400 Swiss and 800,000. Japanese. It should be added immediately that these were mainly women.
The history of the „religion of death” crimes. An ideology that has poisoned Western civilization Maciej Rosalak, the author of the book „Great plagues of humanity”, tells about it.

„Pa szoł!” / „Bye go!”
This quote was included in the eugenics book „The War Against the Weak” by Edwin Black, the author of the earlier, equally shocking work „IBM and the Holocaust”.In it, he proved the connection between the cooperation of the American corporation with the Third Reich and the facilitation of the genocide of Jews by the Nazis.In „War Against the Weak”, he discovers the criminal face of eugenics – a branch of science derived from Darwinism, primitized and dehumanized in the West by many scientists, politicians and writers such as George Bernard Shaw.The authors of „DNA – The Secret of Life” James D. Watson and Andrew Berry quote a similar statement from him: „There is currently no reasonable excuse for not accepting the fact that nothing – except the religion of eugenics – can save our civilization.” ,

Save from whom? Well, in front of sick, handicapped and even poor people, on the fringes of a well-fed society. Add to this an appeal to chemists to “discover a humane gas that will kill instantly and painlessly. Most deadly, but humane, not cruel. ” („The Listener,” February 7, 1934). Well, the gas „deadly”, but by no means „immediate” or „painless”, but killing its victims in terrible torments, lasting about a quarter of an hour, was quickly invented by German chemists and used by their compatriots from the SS. The justification for the religion of mass killing Shaw found even … in the well-known Anglo-Saxon reader Jonathan Swift’s „Gulliver”. Well, in the treatise Man and the Superman, published in 1913 in Leipzig, we read: „We must eliminate Jahus or their votes will ruin a democratic state.” He must have invoked the „Jahusas” to emphasize what wicked beings Swift meant: “Three months before my departure from this country, at the great general assembly of the Houyhnhnms, a hearing was reopened countless times, and it was the only one in which the Houyhnhnms did not agree. The important question concerned the complete extermination of the Jahus. One member of parliament spoke about it, backing his opinion with strong and valid evidence. He maintained that the Jahus were not only the most unclean and most restless of all animals that only nature produced, but also the most persistent, inexplicable, and most malicious; that they secretly suck milk from the Houyhnhnm’s udders, kill and devour their cats, trample their oats and grass if they are not closely watched, and that they engage in countless other debauchery.”
Interestingly, our enemy of the creatures of „countless debauchery” did not find them during the great famine of the Bolsheviks. He was one of those „useful idiots” or conscientious oblivious people who misled the public in the West. In 1932, millions of peasants in Ukraine were starving to death as a result of Stalin’s genocide, a kind of class eugenics. And Shaw, during a trip carefully planned by the hospitable hosts around the Soviet Union, wrote: „Nowhere in Russia have I seen a hungry man, young or old.” He added: „I have never eaten as well as in the Soviets” …. So he was happy that […] in the dedication I placed on one of my books, which I sent to Lenin, I welcomed the greatest statesman of Europe in him . I have no doubts that the day will come when a statue of Lenin will be erected in London next to the Wellington statue. ” For a comment, let the anecdotal farewell circulating after Shaw’s death: ” Pa Szoł/Bye, Go”…
„Human Weeds”
Of course, Shaw didn’t create eugenics. Let the elaboration on him taken quite extensively serve as an example of the formation to which he belonged. He was an admirer of communism. Today we would call him leftist neoliberal. Moreover, undoubted talent and a special sense of humor were conducive to taking root in the ideas he proclaimed. However, the roots of eugenics go back a long way. We even find them in the much more likeable philosopher and idealist, Plato. He stated: “The state must apply discipline and jurisprudence [legal doctrine] to deal only with healthy citizens in body and mind. On the other hand, those who are not healthy should be allowed to die. ” This was stated by a leading Athenian humanist in the time we are used to thinking that only the militant Spartans would then kill disabled children.
The idea of such selection was creatively developed by social sciences in Europe and North America, beginning in the 19th century. Already at the beginning of that century, British economist Thomas R. Malthus saw the cause of the famines in the demographic growth and called for the suspension of all material aid for the poor. Half a century later, Charles Darwin made insightful observations in the natural world and came to groundbreaking conclusions about natural selection. His criticism of civilization, which is opposed to natural selection leading to the elimination of the weaker, is usually ignored. Conclusion: society itself should take care of such elimination.
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Czasy wojny!
W unijnej Belgii lekarze mordują dzieci na mocy tamtejszego prawa. Chodzi nie tylko o legalną w tym kraju aborcję, ale również o zabijanie noworodków i niemowląt . Teatr Nowy w Poznaniu (za publiczne pieniądze!) wystawia sztukę „Prawo wyboru”, której wyraźnym celem jest promowanie eutanazji. Informuje i ostrzega Adam Kwaśniewski polski adwokat, współtwórca i prezes zarządu Fundacji Instytutu na rzecz Kultury Prawnej Ordo Iuris.
Jacek Socha
Bestie na emigracji,. Dziś rano Crown Court w Leeds ogłosił wyrok dla matki i jej partnera za zamordowanie swojego 15-letniego syna. Sebastian Kalinowski znosił miesiącami znęcanie się i okrucieństwo w swoim domu w Huddersfield.
Pracownicy szkoły Sebastiana, North Huddersfield Trust School w Fartown, opisali nastolatka, który przybył do Wielkiej Brytanii w 2020 roku z Polski, jako “uroczego chłopca“, który był “nieśmiały”, “cichy” i “zawsze miły”. Jego biologiczny ojciec mieszka w Polsce. Sebastian w chwili śmierci miał 15 lat, urodził się 16 lipca 2006 roku. Kiedy miał cztery lata, w 2010 roku Kalinowska przeprowadziła się do Wielkiej Brytanii ze swoim ówczesnym partnerem, a Sebastian mieszkał w Polsce swoim ojcem. W 2010 roku przeprowadził się do Wielkiej Brytanii, by zamieszkać z matką i ojczymem.
Nagrania wideo przechwycone przez kamery, które Latoszewski zainstalował w domu, aby kontrolować Sebastiana, pokazały przedłużające się bicie, z płaczem i krzykiem nastolatka. Sebastian był też wielokrotnie kłuty igłą przez Latoszewskiego i Kalinowską. Para dyskutowała również o tym, jak torturować go bez pozostawiania śladów na jego ciele. Kamery zostałe zainstalowane, by para mogła kontrolować na swoich telefonach komórkowych, że chłopak wykonuje zadane mu ćwiczenia fizyczne.
Sebastian był zmuszany do wykonywania ćwiczeń takich jak pompki i wielogodzinnego siedzenia twarzą do ściany. Latoszewski był zapalonym użytkownikiem sterydów anabolicznych, trenował sztuki walki i boks tajski. W jednym z 30-minutowych nagrań CCTV, odtworzonych dla ławy przysięgłych, widać jak Latoszewski uderza chłopca ponad 100 razy, przerywając w pewnym momencie, aby wytrzeć pot z twarzy, podczas gdy Kalinowska oglądała telewizję i jadła tosty.
Sebastian zmarł 13 sierpnia 2021 roku, po zachorowaniu na sepsę, wywołaną obrażeniami spowodowanymi setkami uderzeń, złamań, kopnięć i pchnięć nożem na przestrzeni miesięcy. Patolog dr Michael Parsons znalazł na ciele Sebastiana 81 obrażeń. W wątrobie chłopca był skrzep, mięsień sercowy był uszkodzony, żebra połamane w 28 miejscach, ciało pokryte siniakami i strupami.
Przekazał Stan Deeva
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Czyt Tadeusz
Patrzę na to stworzenie Boże, które się kiedyś narodziło i jest płci kobiecej. Coś się strasznego porobiło w Polsce, że wybrano ją na posła do Sejmu (jeszcze polskiego) Ta posłanka płci kobiecej z woli Donalda Duska jest ministerką ds. równości i nazywa się Katarzyna Kotula i jest członkiem partii tzw. Lewicy. Dostaje co miesiąc + – 13.000 plus dodatki. I to stworzenie Boże za te pieniądze domaga się jeszcze sterylizacji dla POLSKICH kobiet . W rozmowie z TVP Info stwierdziła, że Polkom „potrzebna jest jeszcze sterylizacja”. Czy już nie ma autorytetu w Polsce, aby jej powiedział „kobieto, stajesz się coraz groźniejszą postacią dla istnienia narodu polskiego”
Tadeusz Skoczylas